
 DONG THI HAI YEN(鹿大院農水)・内藤祥太・中園天朗・上西由翁(鹿大水)(2024)








上西 由翁(2024)




包 里,上西由翁 (2024)


月刊食品工場長、2024年1月号(No.321), 48-50


上西由翁 (2023)



第40回空気清浄とコンタミネーションコントロール研究大会予稿集:  25-29  2023


上西由翁(鹿大水) ・西本素三(ダイキン工業)・林田顕正(鹿大水)(2023)




林田顕正 (鹿大院農水)・上西由翁 (鹿大水)(2023)






令和4年度 鹿児島県新産業創出ネットワーク事業ベンチャー支援事業報告書、1-13












上西由翁,DONG THI HAI YEN,林田顕正,淺田洋平(2024)


Mem. Fac. Fish. Kagoshima Univ.,Vol. 73(印刷中)


上西由翁,包 里 (2024)



クリーンテクノロジー、Vol.34 (1), 24-30


上西由翁 (2023)

水産物における酸化脂質のTBA 測定法の検討と官能評価との関連性

Mem. Fac. Fish. Kagoshima Univ.,Vol. 72, pp. 15~22


上西由翁 (2023)

生鮮刺身4 種のMA 貯蔵(脱酸素剤)における品質管理

Mem. Fac. Fish. Kagoshima Univ.,Vol. 72, pp. 1~13


上西由翁,包 里 (2021)



日本工業出版, pp.76-91 


上西由翁,田住瑶子,舟橋亞希,安樂和彦  (2019)


鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, 68, 1-7



Abeer A. I. Hassanin and Y. Kaminishi (2019)

A novel cytochrome P450 1D1 gene in Nile tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus): partial cDNA cloning and expression following benzo-a-pyrene exposure.

International Aquatic Research,11,  277 ~ 285


A. Funahashi, T. Itakura, A. A. I. Hassanin, M. Komatsu, S. Hayashi, Y. Kaminishi (2017).

Ubiquitous distribution of fluorescent protein in muscles of four species and two subspecies of eel (genus Anguilla).

Journal of Genetics, 96(1), 127-133.


Hassanin, Y. Kaminishi, T. Itakura (2017)

Characterization of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) aldehyde reductase (AKR1A1) gene, promoter and expression pattern in benzo-a-pyrene exposed fish.

Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 27 (Issue 1), 36-44.


A Funahashi, M Komatsu, T Furukawa, Y Yoshizono, H Yoshizon,Y Orikawa, S Takumi, K Shiozaki, S Hayashi, Y Kaminishi, T Itakura (2016).

Eel green fluorescent protein is associated with resistance to oxidative stress

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 181–182, 35–39.


T. Uno, C. Izumi, S. Takenaka, T. Yanasea, H. Imaishi, K. Kanamarua, H. Yamagata, Y.Kaminishi, Takao Itakura (2015).

Functional characterization of CYP1A9 and CYP1C1 from Anguillus japonica.

Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 40, 360–368.


Trieu Tuan, Y. Kaminishi, A. Funahashi, T. Itakura (2015).

Effects of chlorpyrifos insecticide on CYP1 family genes expression and acetyl cholinesterase enzyme activity in Oryzias javanicus.

Fresenius Environ. Bull. 24 (11a): 3842-3852.


Trieu Tuan, Y. Kaminishi, A. Funahashi, Y. Nagai, J. Koyama, T. Itakura (2015).

Cytochrome P450, CYP1A, 1B1 and 1C1 in Javanses medaka (Oyzias javanicus) adults and as biomarkers potential against heavy fuel oil pollutions.

Fresenius Environ. Bull. 24 (9a): 2916-2925.


Funahashi A., Y. Kaminishi and T. Itakura (2014).

A Proposal for Quality Assessment and Critical Control Point on Fresh Fishes Packed with Deoxidizer (MA storage)Mem. Fac. Fish. Kagoshima Univ.63, 1-8.



Tuan T., Y. Kaminishi, A. Funahashi, M.A.H. El-Kady, A.A.I.Hassanin, and T. Itakura (2014).

cDNA cloning, characterization and expression of cytochrome P450 family 1 (CYP1A) from Javanese medaka, Oryzias javanicus, by environmental conditionsAfrican Journal of Biotechnology13, 1898-1909.


Tuan T., Y. Kaminishi, A. Funahashi, A.A.I.Hassanin and T. Itakura (2014).

Cloning and tissue expression of cytochrome P450 1B1 and 1C1 genes from Javanese medaka, Oryzias javanicus, under environmental stress conditionsAfrican Journal of Biotechnology13, 2028 -2040.


El-Kady M.A.H., Y. Kaminishi and T. Itakura (2014).

Molecular characterization and organs expression of cytochrome P450 1B1 from Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica)Egypt. J. Aquat. Biol. & Fish18, 103 -113.


El-Kady M.A.H., Y. Kaminishi and T. Itakura (2014).

Molecular characterization and organs expression of cytochrome P450 1C1 from Japanese Eel (Anguilla japonica)Egypt. J. Aquat. Biol. & Fish.18, 115-124.


Hassanin A.A.I., M.M.M. Osman, Y. Kaminishi, M.A.H. El-Kady and T. Itakura (2013)

Molecular characterization of cytochrome P450 1B1 and effect of benzo(a) pyrene on its expression in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).

African Journal of Biotechnology, 12 (48), 6682-6690.


Hassanina A. A., Y. Kaminishi, A. Funahashi, T. Itakura (2012)

Cytochrome P450 1C1 complementary DNA cloning, sequence analysis and constitutive expression induced by benzo-a-pyrene in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

Aquatic Toxicology, 109, 17-24.


T. Uno, S. Kaji, T. Goto, H. Imaishi, M. Nakamura, K. Kanamaru, H. Yamagata, Y. Kaminishi, T. Itakura (2011).

Metabolism of the herbicides chlorotoluron, diuron, linuron, simazine, and atrazine by CYP1A9 and CYP1C1 from Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica)

Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 10193102.


Hassanina A. A., Y. Kaminishi, M. M. M. Osman, Z. H. Abdel-Wahad, M. A. H. El-Kady and T. Itakura (2009).

Development and application of a Real-Time Quantitative PCR assay for determining expression of Benzo-a-pyrene-Inducible Cytochrome P450 1A in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

African Journal of Biotechnology, 8, 6588-6595.


Hassanina A. A, Y. Kaminishi, M. M. M. Osman, Z. H. Abdel-Wahad, M. A. H. El-Kady and T. Itakura (2009)

Cloning and sequence analysis of benzo-a-pyreneinducible cytochrome P450 1A in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

African Journal of Biotechnology, 8 (11), 2545-2553.


Uno, T., S. Okamoto, S. Masuda, A. Itoh, K. Kanamaru, H. Yamagata, M. Nakamura, H. Imaishi, M. A. H. El-kady, Y. Kaminishi, and T. Itakura (2008)

Bioconversion by functional P450 1A9 and P450 1C1 of Anguilla japonica.

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 147 278–285.


Kaminishi, Y., M.A.H. El-kady, R. Mitsuo., T. Itakura (2007)

Complementary DNA Cloning and Organ Expression of Cytochrome P450 1C2 in Carp (Cyprinus carpio).

Environmental Sciences, 14(1), 023-033.


Itakura T., M.A.H El-kady, R. Mitsuo and Y. Kaminishi (2005)

Complementary DNA cloning and constitutive expression of cytochrome P450 1C1 in gills of carp (Cyprius carpio).

Environmental Sciences, 12(2), 111-120.


Itakura T., Y. Ogino, S.C. Mahata, M.A.H El-kady, J. Aoki, H. Kato and Y. Kaminishi (2005).

Estrogen-responsive element (ERE)-like motifs affect the 3-methylcholanthrene induction of eel CYP1A gene.

Environmental Sciences, 12(2), 065-070.


El-kady. M.A.H., R. Mitsuo, Y. Kaminishi and T. Itakura (2004)

Isolation of cDNA of novel cytochrome P450 1B gene, CYP1B2, from carp (Cyprinus carpio) and its induced expression in gills.

Environmental Sciences, 11(6), 345-354.


El-kady. M.A.H., R. Mitsuo, Y. Kaminishi and T. Itakura (2004)

cDNA cloning, sequence analysis and expression of 3-methylcholanthrene-inducible cytochrome P450 1B1 in carp (Cyprinus carpio).

Environmental Sciences, 11(4), 231-240.


Mahata, S.C., J. Aoki, Y. Kaminishi and T. Itakura (2003)

Analysis of dioxin responsive elements (DREs) in drug-inducible eel CYP1A gene.

Japanese Journal of Environmental Toxicology. 6(2), 45-52.


Kaminishi, Y., K. Nakaniwa, M. Kunimoto and H. Miki (2000)

Determination of K-value using freshness testing paper and freshness prediction of the finfishes stored at some different temperatures by kinetic parameters.

Fisheries Science, 66, 161-165.


Kunimoto, M., H. Kito, Y. Kaminishi, Y. Mizukami and N. Murase (1999)

Molecular divergence of the ssu rRNA gene and internal transcribed spacer 1 in Porphyra yezoensis (Rhodophyta).

Journal of Applied Phycology, 11, 211-216.


Kunimoto, M., H. Kito, Y. Yamamoto, D.P. Cheney, Y. Kaminishi and Y. Mizukami (1999)

Discrimination of Porphyra species based on small subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequence.

Journal of Applied Phycology, 11, 203-209.


Kaminishi, Y., J. Egusa, M. Kunimoto (1999)

Antioxidant Production from Several Xerophilous Fungi Used in "Katsuobushi" Molding.

Journal of National Fisheries University, 47, 113-120


Kaminishi, Y., H. Tanie, M. Kunimoto (1999)

Purification and chracterization of lipases from Aspergillus repens and Eurotium herbariorum NU-2 used in "katsuobushi" molding.

Fisheries Science, 65, 274-278.


Kaminishi, Y., M. Kunimoto, Y. Yamamoto, Y. Mizukami, H. Kito (1999)

Rapid discrimination of Porphyra yezoensis and P. tenera by PCR-SSCP using restriction fragments and silver stain detection.

Aquaculture Science, 47, 1-7.


Mizukami, Y., Y. Kaminishi, M. Kunimoto, M. Kobayashi, N. Murase, H. Kito (1998)

Comparison of partial nucleotide sequences in the exonic region of a small subunit ribosomal RNA gene for discrimination of laver (Porphyra) species and cultivars.

Fisheries Science, 64, 886-891.


Kaminishi Y., M. Kunimoto, H. Miki, J. Nishimoto (1998)

Effects of urea on thermal gelation process of myosin B prepared from shark muscle.

Fisheries Science, 64, 776-779 (1998).


Kaneniwa, M., Y. Kaminishi, M. Kunimoto, M. Kobayashi, N. Murase, H. Kito (1998)

Fatty Acids Compositions of Nineteen Species of Marine Algae Mainly Obtained from

the Coast of Yamaguchi Prefecture.

Journal of National Fisheries University, 46, 191-195


Kito, H., M. Kunimoto, Y. Kaminishi, Y. Mizukami (1998)

Protoplast fusion between Monostroma nitidum and Porphyra yezoensis and subsequent growth of hybrid plants.

Journal of Applied Phycology, 10, 15-21.


Kunimoto, M., Y. Kaminishi (1997)

Inhibition of Intracellular Lipase Production by Organic Acids in Mycelia of Aspergillus oryzae.

Journal of National Fisheries University, 46, 85-93


Kunimoto, M., Y. Kaminishi, K. Minami, M. Hatano (1996)

Lipase and phospholipase production by Aspergillus repens utilized in molding of katsuobushi processing.

Fisheries Science62, 594-599.


国本正彦,上西由翁,篠原伸雄 (1995)




Nakagawa, M., Y. Kaminishi, Y. Isashiki, H. Yamada, I. Higuchi, Y. Uchida, M. Osame (1995)

Familial mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with deaf-mutism, ophthalmoplegia

and leukodystrophy.

Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 92, 102-108.


Nakagawa, M., H. Yamada, I. Higuchi, Y. Kaminishi, T. Miki, K. Johnson, M. Osame (1994)

A case of parternally inherited congenital myotonic dystrophy.

Journal of medical genetics, 31, 397-400.


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Urea-Denaturation of myosin B prepared from smooth dogfish muscle.

Fisheries Science (Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi), 58, 1091-1094.


Kaminishi, Y., H. Miki, J. Nishimoto (1991)

Thermal Denaturation of Myosin B in the Presence of Urea.

Mem. Fac. Fish. Kagoshima Univ., 40, 103-109


Kaminishi, Y., H. Miki, J. Nishimoto (1991)

Effects of Urea on Ca2+-ATPase of Myosin B from Smooth Dogfish Muscle

Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 57, 571


上西由翁,御木英昌,磯端 徹,西元諄一 (1990)








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